Degenerative Arthritis
Degenerative arthritis affects almost everyone above the age of 50, and we often say “it’s just a part of getting old”. This is not true. Keep reading to find out more.
About Degenerative Arthritis
The term “arthritis” is a broadly used, and commonly misunderstood term. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis (also called degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease, DJD, or spondylosis in the spine). Causing factors of arthritis include subluxation, past trauma, occupation, activities, weight, diet, and heredity. Symptoms of DJD range from slight stiffness to severe pain.

How DJD Progresses
Degenerative arthritis occurs when the cartilage in a joint begins to break down, causing stress to the sensitive bone tissue the cartilage lines and protects. This leads to a gradual breakdown of the joint. Boney ridges (called osteophytes or bone spurs), then develop due to the abnormal mechanics of the joint. These bone spurs can put pressure to soft tissues or delicate nerves which can affect the function of internal organs. Given enough time the cartilage will wear away completely and the joint will fuse.
Chiropractic & Degenerative Arthritis
It is interesting to note that osteoarthritis always develops in specific joints, and not evenly through the entire body. For instance, a person may have one arthritic knee, but not two, or they may have arthritis in the lower neck, but not the entire spine. If degenerative arthritis were simply part of getting older it would affect all joints in the body equally. The majority of elderly people still have many joints in their spine and body that have no arthritis at all. The reason only some joints are affected is because of increased stresses to those joints resulting from biomechanical problems.
One such common problem is a spinal subluxation (abnormal position and motion in a spinal joint producing nerve irritation). With a subluxation, the joint loses its full range of motion and in essence becomes fixated, or “stuck”. In each cartilage-containing joint, a lubricating fluid called synovial fluid exists to keep the cartilage healthy. Movement in the joint replenishes the supply of synovial fluid. A stuck joint will have a decreased production of this lubricating fluid causing the cartilage to become dry, brittle, and lead to breakdown. Chiropractic helps to reestablish normal motion and mechanics in arthritic joints allowing for increased range of motion and slowing of the degenerative process. Studies have even shown a reversal in degenerative arthritis through chiropractic care.
Sources & References
- Benhamou CL, Row C, Tourliere A, et al. Pseudovisceral pain referred from costovertebral arthropathies. Spine. 1993;18:790-795
- Nathan H, Osteophytes of the spine compressing the sympathetic trunk and splancnic nerves in the thorax. Spine. 1987; 12:527-532.
- Shell RC. Chiropractic management of degenerative joint disease of the spine. Journal of the National College of Chiropractic. 1970.
- Ressel OJ. Disc degeneration: reversibility is possible in spinal osteoarthritis. Int’l Review of Chiropractic. March/April 1989:39-61.
It’s Not a “Part of Getting Old”
If left unmanaged, degenerative arthritis can lead to bone fusion, meaning diminished use of joins and limbs. Book an appointment with Prather Chiropractic today to find relief.